The Dirac monopole and induced representations
First published in the Pacific Journal of Mathematics 126 (1987).
The paper
An essay on the dynamics and
statistics of critical field theories
(published here with the permission of the Canadian Mathematical Society)
The paper
Algebro-geometric aspects of the Bethe equations
(written with Yvan Saint-Aubin)
The paper
Aspects combinatoires
des équations de Bethe
(written with Yvan Saint-Aubin)
The paper
Langlands' comments:
There are two papers on the Bethe Ansatz, but the work
is far from complete. I have always wanted to return not
only to the algebraic geometrical arguments initiated
in the second paper, which seem to me of considerable
intrinsic mathematical interest
as algebraic geometry, but also to the notion of
Wellenkomplex and the Puiseux expansions
introduced briefly at the end of the first paper.
So far, I have not found the time.
Universality and conformal invariance
for the Ising
model in domains with boundary
(written with Marc André Lewis and Yvan Saint-Aubin)
This first
appeared in
J. Stat. Physics 98, Nos. 1/2,
pp. 131--244, 2000.
The paper
The renormalization fixed point as a mathematical object
This paper will appear in 2003 or 2004 in a collection of papers
on mathematical physics published by World Scientific Publishers.
Many of the papers arose from lectures delivered at one of
the Workshops on Geometric Methods in Physics held annually
in Bielowieza, Poland.
The paper