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Solaris for PC's and Desktops

Explanation of ScholarPAC Service Benefits

Scholarpac is a way for Edu customers to buy and support software at special prices and licensing terms. Since 1989, when ScholarPAC was introduced, we have offered special support contracts. These contracts require that the Solaris operating system be covered on contract before any other products/benefits are available. This is to ensure that Sun is able to support the combined software environment of the operating system and other Sun software and their symbiotic relationship.

Therefore, the minimum ScholarPAC contract consists of the 1-100 Solaris license tier. This entitles customers to buy support for other Sun software, at the special prices in ScholarPAC, and obtain significant discounts off the Spectrum [hardware support] offerings.

With the new free site licenses for Solaris, customers can make much wider use of Solaris on their sites without necessarily incurring extra cost. However, Sun encourages customers to consider the following points when deciding whether to include support for a given copy of Solaris that is in use:

If Solaris is covered by a support contract If Solaris is *not* covered by support contract
Higher level discounts for Spectrum contracts Much smaller discounts available, as price has to cover Solaris support
Phone support is included Phone support is per incident
Revision updates, Maintenance Updates, bug fixes included Not available (revision updates may be offered through the web, but no guarantees that every version will be)
Support for compilers, utilities and communications products available Per incident charge, if offered
Access to SunSolve bug database No SunSolve access

FAQ List

Q: How does a customer decide how many Solaris licenses to put on their ScholarPAC contract?

    A: Add up all mission critical (MIS) licenses, all key servers such as mailservers/fileservers/authentication servers etc, add all learning critical systems such as teaching labs/open access labs etc. This represents the minimum number you should maintain. To this should be added any other servers/desktops that you wish to run any other Sun software for which support is required. You may include both SPARC and Intel architectures. The minimum number of licenses is the first tier consisting of up to 100 licenses. The number of licenses supported must be at least equal to the number of systems on Sun Spectrum contracts.

Q: If I have a support contract for Solaris, can I use the updates and bug fixes for Solaris licenses that are not on contract?

    A: Updates and bug fixes apply only to those systems under contract. Sun requests that you will make a reasonable and honest determination of the licenses that will therefore require a support contract.

Q: Can I expect that the Solaris release of the media from the website will be the very latest version?

    A: No, we will keep pace with each significant release, but very minor updates to support specific hardware or new features may not be offered. In addition, the Solaris packaging for the free release does not include the Solaris supplementary disks and other SPARC platform specific software that is often shipped as part of the support contract.

Q: Does this mean that if I do not include the Solaris license on my professor's desktop that she cannot run the site licensed software?

    A: No, but it does mean that she will be on her own for support and bug fixes for all products.

Last updated on: August 10, 1998

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